Instalar NodeJS, Grunt y Bower en cPanel CloudLinux

Instalar NodeJS, Grunt y Bower on CloudLinux

1.  Login to your server as root

2.  Create a a directory and move into it:
mkdir ~/nodejs-install; cd ~/nodejs-install

3.  Copy the install files. These install the repository that is currently maintained for the rpms

git clone

4.  Move to rpm install folder and run the setup

cd distributions/rpm; sh setup

5.  Install nodejs

yum install nodejs

6.  Install grunt and bower

npm install -g grunt-cli; npm install -g bower

At this point if you are not using CageFS with CloudLinux you are done. Your nodejs, grunt, and bower commands should all work in the shell.  If you are using CageFS please follow the additional instructions.

Configurar NodeJS, Grunt y Bower en CageFS

7.  Configure cagefs for nodejs

touch /etc/cagefs/conf.d/nodejs.cfg

Using your favorite editor copy the following into the nodejs.cfg file:

paths=/usr/bin/node, /usr/bin/npm, /usr/lib/node_modules/npm

8.  Configure cagefs for grunt.

touch /etc/cagefs/conf.d/grunt.cfg

Using your favorite editor copy the following into the grunt.cfg file:

comment=Grunt tools
paths=/usr/bin/grunt, /usr/local/bin/grunt, /usr/lib/node_modules/grunt-cli 

9.  Configure cagefs for bower.

touch /etc/cagefs/conf.d/bower.cfg

Using your favorite editor copy the following into the bower.cfg file:

comment=Bower web tools
paths=/usr/bin/bower, /usr/local/bin/bower, /usr/lib/node_modules/bower

10.  Now re-initialize cagefs.

cagefsctl --force-update

11.  Your nodejs, grunt, and bower commands should be available on cPanel accounts.

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